●Lawyer Yongin, how to defend against special theft charges

●Lawyer Yongin, how to defend against special theft charges

●Lawyer Yongin, how to defend against special theft charges

Hello, Yongin lawyer. any factor is applied, the same as the types of crimes serious special), with the support of the name, often leads to more heavy punishment. That’s right, that’s right, for example, assault case where. an act of assault another’s generally struck in a man would hit by a weapon, and preferably other people who used weapons is not punished heavier in a special assault. It was not a single person, but more gathered for the organization even when assault on another person in a special assault. to steal the property of another, in general, as well as it of theft at night, not destroy a fence or other place of residence of two or more people in the case of theft a deadly weapon and stealing properties entering the organization have for receiving the special additional punishment on charges of theft when to steal. theft occurrence of a suspicion that the special like this today, Yong-in, Let’s take a look at not must be how defense lawyer. Of course it stolen article for discount the wife of mental retardation

First try demonstrated in the case of A given a grace period for the crime fiction. Mr. A, the wife of the physical disability would often big retailers near the home or go shopping. Aさんの妻は精神遅滞があるので、よくトイレにあるトイレットペーパーの巻物を持ってくる場合がありましたが。 Mr A and beat them, but most reasoning with his wife, his wife to the Hyundai Asan worker refuses this thing through women can not be entered to the toilet, without any unavoidable reason, did not attributed. これと関連して大型マートの職員は、A氏夫婦が一丸となって意図的に大型マートのティッシュなどを盗んでいるとし、警察に特殊窃盗罪で告訴を進めました。

Mr A Yongin, like lawyers with the help of CCTV that the married couple, A on the facts through, inter alia, went back home with a tissue revealed that he was never. helped each other has committed a crime and a problem here, and each time, he said, ” We to be Velazco’s wife, reasoning with him, he said to leave it again When his wife to refuse mental retardation, which is really appropriate, relevant tissue in confidence to his wife and only toilet has been placed on the chair in front as a result. これを通じてA氏夫婦が一丸となって大型マートで数回の窃盗を犯したということは客観的な証拠と反する内容であり、A氏の妻は精神遅滞によりトイレのティッシュを持ち出しただけで、その後A氏の対処などを見た時、これは全く犯罪に該当する点ではないと積極的に主張しました。 As a result, A married couple, able to avoid imposing a suspension of prosecution. 意図せず特殊窃盗の疑いが発生した事例

Mr A Yongin, like lawyers with the help of CCTV that the married couple, A on the facts through, inter alia, went back home with a tissue revealed that he was never. helped each other has committed a crime and a problem here, and each time, he said, ” We to be Velazco’s wife, reasoning with him, he said to leave it again When his wife to refuse mental retardation, which is really appropriate, relevant tissue in confidence to his wife and only toilet has been placed on the chair in front as a result. これを通じてA氏夫婦が一丸となって大型マートで数回の窃盗を犯したということは客観的な証拠と反する内容であり、A氏の妻は精神遅滞によりトイレのティッシュを持ち出しただけで、その後A氏の対処などを見た時、これは全く犯罪に該当する点ではないと積極的に主張しました。 As a result, A married couple, able to avoid imposing a suspension of prosecution. 意図せず特殊窃盗の疑いが発生した事例

As such, the sword theft special charges, and even when the two in order to plead not guilty, basically, so is special to clarify itself is not satisfied the requirements for the conclusion of a theft comes in handy. the first example of when from the viewpoint of objective evidence of fact, Yongin points in stolen product per se does not exist can not be some kind of way of assuring with a lawyer. or examples of the second it is true that I took my things, but this is not there is a disobedience against theft of a simple misunderstanding, the fault of the victims or the like caused by simple and accidents if we could clarify that it is possible to avoid the punishment. damaged buildings in accordance with the first crime and theft or special or is not, should work closely together to fight two or more crimes to focus, too.However, the defendants always do this, give defense for that doesn’t mean that Certainly not. the actual situation is to arrange a special charges of theft in gathering information on assessment of Yongin, with lawyers, even if You can also be concrete and reduced the prison term, to make a statement may be advantageous. In other words, 500 points on the situation of the time had no choice but to commit a crime because the helpful if you clarify. I mentioned previously, to the same time special to general theft of theft and felony less pain is so different from the corresponding element is satisfied, only made clear that it will not receive punishment as the general theft may be reduced, and be one of the methods of this to happen. in order to be recovered from damage caused by theft or an agreement with victims, a special example, that may be acting as an element to be in damages.Law Firm Muiru Kim Do-hyun Attorney’s Office Reservation 91, Yamashiro-daero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-doLaw Firm Muiru Kim Do-hyun Attorney’s Office Reservation 91, Yamashiro-daero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-doロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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