cause of dizziness

cause of dizziness

cause of dizziness

reason for dizziness and nausea

Dizziness is a series of phenomena in which you feel as if you are moving even though you and the surrounding space and things remain the same. Usually, when I feel dizzy, I remember the degree of stress and fatigue first, as I pointed out earlier. However, dizziness and nausea are thought to be caused by so many factors that various departments such as otolaryngology, neurosurgery, and neurology need medical examinations. Ear-related diseases such as otolithiasis, vestibular neuritis, and Meniere’s disease can become problems, or problems such as strokes can appear.

Dizziness and nausea may also appear when problems occur in the autonomic nervous system or cardiovascular system. Especially in the cold season, autonomic nerve function increases, which disrupts the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and increases the likelihood of exposure to these problems.Sometimes I feel dizzy even if there are no abnormalities in various tests!
The ears are closely related to hearing, and prolonged exposure to dizziness and nausea can lead to hearing loss. Therefore, if the inconvenience is not improved even though no particular abnormality was found in the confirmation process of science or neurology, it is necessary to find and deal with it more actively. At this time, Chinese medicine is looking for reasons for dizziness and nausea due to poor bowel function and impaired circulation of the gas and blood, and I think quite a variety of factors will work together.In Chinese medicine, dizziness is divided into six categories: wind, intense, bile, virtual, and technical. There are also slight differences in the reasons that occur depending on each type. The only thing in common is that both books have a high connection with poor functioning and impaired circulation of air and blood.waste and toxinsVarious stimuli applied to the body weaken the immune system and reduce the energy of the intestines, which can lead to the accumulation of waste and toxins that should be discharged outside the body. Stagnation of such waste products in blood vessels can interfere with normal blood circulation. Various nutrients, including oxygen and protein, which must be supplied through the blood, may not be fully transmitted to the brain. As a result, dizziness and nausea may occur. In such a case, management is needed to help recover the energy of the books that are falling and to discharge waste from the body.In order to alleviate a series of problems that cause dizziness and nausea, I decided to use Chinese medicine first. In the case of this method, waste and toxins in blood vessels in the body can be dissolved and discharged out of the body. You can expect a smoother recovery as you use it in the direction that suits each person’s constitution. Depending on the person’s constitution, there may be differences in the way that suits them, so I try to select the direction by first going through meticulous grasp.By dissolving and discharging waste in the blood vessels, the blood became clean again. If the blood flow stabilizes due to the discharge of waste products that have hindered blood circulation in the past, dizziness and nausea can be expected to gradually to improve. At the same time, we can expect to recover from the shrinking energy of the books. This strengthens the energy of the whole body and can be expected to relieve the series of physical discomfort that has plagued daily life as well as dizziness.Currently, if you feel dizzy, you should carefully examine each condition and use it in the direction that suits your physical condition, so you can expect your symptoms to improve by using it steadily. Due to continuous management, those who have difficulty visiting the hospital regularly can consider the progress. Even those who find it difficult to make time periodically in various situations such as when their house is far away or they are physically challenged can reduce the burden.If it is deemed necessary, various bedding treatments can be applied to help improve your health. Examples include cerebral pressure regulation therapy, which can lower brain pressure increased by brain blood flow disorders, acupuncture to help correct the circulation of blood around the ear, and plum gland therapy to increase blood flow in blood vessels to facilitate blood circulation.Did it shake for another day?実はめまい、吐き気は先ほどお話ししたように、大したことないと思って行き過ぎやすい問題の一つです。 in our life people can experience, and experience through this once and not might be. In many cases not get some rest by taking a memory, has been expressed so often don’t think it’s a big deal. しかし、一時的に現れる場合以外に、先ほどお話したように軽く考えていた問題が続く場合は、その後相当な重みで日常と生活を押さえつけることができます。 めまい、吐き気は場合によってはそれだけの力を持つようになることがありますので、普段からこれに対する注意ときめ細かな対処で日常のバランスを長く健康に守っていけることを願います。Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image